Clean Slate Limited

278 Huntington Street Nottingham NG13LY
01159 934252 Click to call

About Clean Slate Limited

Clean Slate is a commercial cleaning company based in Derby, UK. Clean Slate have been operating within the East Midlands for over 50 years and was taken over by Mike Armitage, in 2001. Since then, Mike has grown the business and has expanded the reach of Clean Slate to key areas, such as Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and South Yorkshire.

Clean Slate Limited in short

Cleaning with

Buildings (general)

Cleaning of

Ceilings and walls
Computer cleaning
Hotel, Restaurant & Catering
Industrial Cleaning
Office wear

Our location

Logo Clean Slate Limited

Clean Slate Limited

Clean Slate Limited

278 Huntington Street Nottingham NG13LY
01159 934252 Click to call